Hello (new) world!

Well I’ve decided to blog anything that I feel like blogging on a daily or weekly basis or whenever I feel like it. The idea has been on my mind since we have undertaken such a massive life event in moving to the US from Australia.

I’ve so far written up the ‘About‘ page as a kind of pinned summary.

I think this might end up a mix of day-to-day adventures, live music, musings about American culture vs Australian culture, and other such things.

Out of curiosity I also asked the ChatGPT (artificial intelligence bot) to help me out with an intro paragraph. It’s definitely impressive, even if it over-promises.

Question presented to ChatGPT: Write an introductory paragraph to announce a new blog website. Topics will include live music, general musings, cultural notes, family adventures, and the experiences of an Australian family living in California. Answer received: Welcome to our new blog website! We are delighted to share our stories, experiences, and adventures with you. Our blog covers a diverse range of topics, including live music, general musings, cultural notes, family adventures, and the unique experiences of an Australian family living in California. Our goal is to provide you with entertaining and informative content that is both relatable and insightful. Our team of writers is dedicated to bringing you the latest news, trends, and insights on the topics that matter most to you. So, whether you're an avid music fan, a cultural enthusiast, or simply enjoy reading about the experiences of others, our blog has something for everyone. Join us on this exciting journey, as we explore the many wonders of California and share our stories with the world!
To think one day I’m sure someone will just have AI write their articles and posts. Lame.

Today’s song of the day:

Road trippin’ with my two three four favorite allies
Fully loaded we got snacks and supplies
It’s time to leave this town, it’s time to steal away
Let’s go get lost anywhere in the USA
Let’s go get lost, let’s go get lost

— Road Trippin’ by Red Hot Chili Peppers
Maybe I’ll start linking to songs within posts.

Bonus song, because Gil Scott-Heron:

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