Finally, Trump indicted.

Cartoon showing examples of things that might make you a fascist: scared of perfect strangers, leader equals truth, pussy hats are the new klan hats, listening to state media (FOX), opposing Antifa and anti-fascist movements.
Date: 30 March 2023

Finally, some movement in the many cases concurrently running against Donald J. Trump.

When a suspect is indicted, it means that a grand jury has found sufficient evidence to charge the suspect with a crime, and that prosecutors can move forward with a case.

As someone who follows US Politics (first from abroad, and now from within the US), I’ve been waiting for this since he first started campaigning in 2016 and somehow went on to be President of the United States from 2017 to 2021.

So far, the news is it will be on 34 counts of business fraud and I’m guessing more indictments to follow.

News updates:

It’s fascinating to me that after rejecting British rule, the US seems to have still moved into a space where their head of state is revered like some kind of king and even shielded from being accountable for their actions.

I accidentally came across a like-minded Aussie on Twitter who is now living in the US too (relating to the NYT article above):

I love that stand out comment at the end:

Americans love their politicians and hate their government. Australians hate their politicians and love their government.

Anyhow, this is how I’m choosing to see it all:

  • Upside: The walking BS-machine and those in his orbit get held accountable, publicly.
  • Downside: His name dominating the news cycles for the coming weeks and months.

That’s it, there’s no real downside to Trump & Co. getting their arses handed to them and everyone seeing what kind people he and his ilk are.

Everyone’s seen Idiocracy, right?

Today’s song(s) of the day:

Two songs, among many, that come to mind that describe the segment of the US population and culture that drives the election and idolisation of political candidates like Trump.

American Jesus, by Bad Religion
Idiots Are Taking Over, by NOFX

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