Best local ice cream

Marianne's Ice Cream sign

Being in Santa Cruz means having access to awesome ice cream at Marianne’s Ice Cream. From licorice to mandarin chocolate, they have it all with 105 flavours.

After picking Kiddo1 up from Spring Camp and Kiddo2 from daycare, I took them both for a treat today. Marianne’s is a town-favourite with so many places throughout Santa Cruz stocking their flavours.

And to top it off, when President Joe Biden came to Santa Cruz in January of 2023, Marianne’s gifted him ice cream to take back with him on Air Force One. (See article in the Santa Cruz Sentinel).

President Joe Biden being gifted Marianne's Ice Cream, Santa Cruz
President Joe Biden being gifted Marianne’s Ice Cream, Santa Cruz

Today’s song of the day:

I Want To Take You Out For Ice Cream by Nerf Herder

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