
My name is Steve. I was born and raised in Australia near Sydney. Somewhere along the way I met an American girl studying abroad who went from staying 6 months, to 18 years, and becoming my wife. We have two kids. Kiddo1 is 6 years old and Kiddo 2 is 3. We also have a dog, Kona, 11 years old.

My wife and I had talked about moving to the US for many years to try it out and see how it fit. Eventually in 2022 after COVID lockdowns and international border restrictions, we made the move – dog and all. We’re living with US family until my Green Card is processed and we’re both working full time. We’re now based in Santa Cruz county, California.

I miss Australia a lot (the place and the people in my life there) but I don’t think that feeling will pass for a while, at least not until we get our feet on the ground.

This blog is a way for me to share my experiences here; thoughts, music, adventures, and things I find funny or odd about the US when compared to Australia.

Sketch of Australia and USA